Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Wersja polska Zakład Dydaktyki Techiniki i Informatyki

General information

The aim of the Conference is to take the discussion on the basic problems of formal and informal education in Polish and international educational systems, with particular emphasis on pedagogical consequences resulting from the dominant directions of development of the information society. The conference centers around the following issues that please include in their designs.

Civilizational and cultural transformations formal and informal education:

  • 1) technical and professional,
  • 2) IT and information,
  • 3) ecological and environmental.

Within the above topics especially interested in the following threads formal and informal education:

  • 1) sources of change and direction of development of the various areas of education,
  • 2) offering solutions to theoretical, methodological and practical,
  • 3) comparatistic analysis of education systems in different countries of the world.